Basic example
has an HtmlTag
parameter that
tells it which html element to render. It also accepts all possible html attributes and passes them on
to the underlying element. Furthermore, you can set the parameters Class
for styling.
Visit us on <MudElement HtmlTag="a" Class="ms-1" Style="color:red;font-weight:bold;" href="" target="blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> GitHub </MudElement>
Interactive example
In this example the rendered html element changes dynamically. This is the main use-case of
<MudElement HtmlTag="" Class="reset-style" href="" value="@($"The underlying tag is '{htmlTag}'")"> The underlying tag is '@htmlTag' </MudElement> <MudButton OnClick="ChangeTag" Variant="Variant.Filled" Color="Color.Secondary">Change tag</MudButton>
@code{ private string htmlTag = "a"; private string[] tags = new[] { "a", "button", "input" }; private int index = 0; private void ChangeTag() { index = (index + 1) % tags.Length; htmlTag = tags[index]; } } <style> .reset-style, .reset-style * { all: revert; } </style>
Obtaining an ElementReference
If you need access to the underlying element, you can two-way bind an ElementReference
to MudElement
which in turn passes it to the element it renders.
Just make sure that you use use @bind-Ref
instead of just Ref
so the underlying reference can be passed out into your variable.
<MudElement HtmlTag="button" @onclick="Focus" Style="padding: 4px 12px 4px 12px; background-color: #0067b8; color: #fff;"> Click to focus </MudElement> @*this element is going to be focused through JS via its reference*@ <MudElement @bind-Ref="myRef" HtmlTag="input" Style="border: solid 1px #869E9E; padding: 0px 8px; height:28px;"/>
@code{ ElementReference myRef = new ElementReference(); async Task Focus() { //this js snippet does `document.querySelector(myRef).focus();` await myRef.FocusAsync(); } }